Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Western Standard Time™ hosted by K Winn & Big Ben. Two west coast sports fans orchestrating interviews, high-energy discussions, and funny banter.
We sit down with Kevin Frandsen, who spent 8 years in the MLB and is a San Jose area legend. We talk everything from Spider Tack to Bat Flips to him turning double plays with Omar Vizquel.
He also gives us his takes on the un written rules in baseball and how we can improve the game.
The full episode was a Live Stream on No Filter Network. What is No Filter Network? An interactive live streaming platform that allows viewers to “knock” and then instantly become part of the broadcast via nofilter.net.
Click on link and scroll down to Big Ben & K Winn’s vault to listen to the full episode:
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0 (0s): All right. Hey, besides hitting a walk off into the second in Philly, when is it okay to admire a home run? When you know, it's a bomb, like I like, look, it can't be, it can't be a fence scraper. I am all about. I am all about the bat. Flip the celebrate. I love it. I love emotion. 1 (25s): All right, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to WST. We have a second time guest. I don't even know if we need to introduce them, but for those who don't know him, Bellarmine hall of fame, that San Jose bellman, not up in Tacoma where Big Ben is. 0 (43s): That's your and Lester school. 1 (45s): San Jose state hall of fame, nine years in the big giant. And that Billy's, I could go on and on. Now the color analyst, color radio analyst for the Phillies, Kevin friends, and welcome to the show. 0 (1m 3s): What's up, boys. We doing good tonight. We're doing great. Or this mean being on the west coast for you guys, it's still light out. Still light out. Yeah, no, it's it's what have we got today? It was mix of overcast and sunny. Beautiful sunset going right now here in, in south Jersey. Weirdest weather, this like seriously, June, it started off at 90 with like 90% humidity. Yesterday was like a high of 70. 0 (1m 43s): Wow. That's that's cold here in the summer. Let alone, I mean, let's go and we don't need the ups and downs. Like if you're just going to give me, don't give me the tease of the humidity in the, in the heat. Just I know easing into it, just do it and just go, write in, jump right into it. 1 (2m 1s): All right. So we have this thing called WST first, where we talk about major league players. First time they experienced various things, we put our intern to work and we're going to have a little fun today. So I hope you're ready. I know Kevin, we so Baptist. We're starting it off. We go back to Masaki days, east side west. Ooh, those days. So this is my man here. We're about to go in. No filter, no limits today. Let's go Big Ben. 0 (2m 35s): All right. Yeah. And before we start, we mentioned Bellarmine college prep in San Jose. Now that my friend is how you say it. Thank you so much for saying that it is a college preparatory. Alright, so there it's produced 28 professional baseball players. Now, I don't know. Technically you are a pro once you entered the minor league level, I believe it's how they classify it. Yep. So where do you rank amongst all those baseball? Out of 28? Probably like 14, you know? I don't know. 0 (3m 15s): Like, I don't even know, like, cause you got, I mean Burl and like shoes. We can just go on like, cause Cana, mark Hannah in Eric fames have taken over, you know, they're still not at pat Berle's level. So I mean, that's a tough one. Yeah. I would say about 14 and probably, I don't know. I don't really care two that, you know, I'm just trying to think. Justin Bachman was there edgy of Enola. They all made it. So maybe I'm better than them at that point in time when I played in my career. But is it really that big of a deal? You know, that's, here's why I say it. 0 (3m 55s): I am so proud to be one of the 28 and one of the many big leaguers that we've had in our school. It's like from Bellarine we have, I dunno, tradition for every sport. It seems like baseball is different Mitchell white who's in, you know, back and forth with the Dodgers. He's he's a Bellarmine kid. Eric Ladelle was there he's he played for the, what he played for the Mets. And I think the, the Dodgers two a little bit. Yeah, it's just a pride thing. So if I'm in the middle of that pack, I'm fine with me. I have number 1 (4m 32s): Five right in front of Brian Vieira, V V. And he had no 0 (4m 39s): Like, see like a video, like where to yeah. See, he was not even on the same level. Yeah, no, he's on a different tier. Like if you talk about like all times storytellers, like he's number one 1 (4m 52s): Without a doubt, the best 0 (4m 56s): He was link in Glen little league legend for a while too. So yeah. Shout out V he's the man. Alright. And what was your nickname in? What, what was your first nickname? First nickname in MLB MLB. Otherwise how about two? Just in general. And then in the mail, I went pig pen. That is in a way that it was in, where was that? Sunbelt classic in Oklahoma, you know, the team, California. We went and played. So anyway, I was just a mess the entire time just covering it. They call me piggyback and went to fish. 0 (5m 39s): And that was at San Jose state. And then Franny probably do share at some point. I don't know. I'll I'll I'll usually just stay with Franny. That was fine with that. I like the free animal. Yeah, no, cause I wasn't, they'll not. So it's like you can't, you know what I mean? Like maybe a friend of me, I don't know anything. I know the free animal didn't cause now you get free meal res you know, the big old dude, like that's when you look at a guy going, that's the phrase animal, right? Like when you're 65, 2 50 hit and tanks. 0 (6m 21s): Yeah. You're you're called the free animal. So yeah, I'll just be like for any right. 23 years old. When you broke in, in the April, 2018, 2006 with the giant, pull up, walk us through the phone call in the next 24 hours. Subsequently after you got that call, this is like one of my favorites. So we're in Portland, Oregon. My, my roommates, Daniel, Ortmeier one of my best buddies plan. One of the most ridiculous athletes. I mean, Randy would tell you in Cali, it already was one of the, like, he was just insane. Anyway, he's already had his cup of coffee at that point in time. He'll get called up later on that year and then in seven. 0 (7m 3s): So we're about ready to head the field. I'm just getting out of the shower, towel on Allan and my phone rang and it was Bobby Evans and already like comes into the, like the, the bathroom. He's like, Hey dude, you gotta, and Bobby's calling your phone. And I'm like Bobbie, who? He's like Bobby Evans. And I'm like, oh, that's cause he, everyone has a version of Bobby and how they, how they speak and how he speaks. And so I answered in my yo what's up? He's like, Hey, Kevin is Bobby. And I'm like, yeah, Bobby, it's a, it says your name right here. He says, what are you doing? 0 (7m 44s): I was like, just got out of the shower just to let you know, I'm in a towel, not completely naked, but I got a towel and it made them uncomfortable, I think a little bit. But he goes, so we're making a move and I'm like, okay, you're coming to the big leagues. Like, okay. And now like my hands are starting to shake and everything. And luckily like the towels tucked in like really good and Ortiz on the other bed. He's like looking at it. And he knows, cause he sees my hand going nuts and he's like, yeah, he's going crazy. I'm just like staring into the, you know, Adam going like, and the only thing I heard after that was you can't tell anybody. I'm like, whatever. 0 (8m 27s): So he makes that call. It's a short one. He's excited. I'm excited. I don't remember anything other than you can't tell anyone. So I'm on the horn with my mom. Well, I'm really not on the phone with my mom calling her she's at school last time. I think I called 20 times at the school was to call in the opera and, and operators like, sir, do you have an emergency? And I'm like, I don't know if this is really an emergency, but yeah, no, no. We're good. And so like later on she calls she's the operator said that you what's wrong. What is wrong? And I'm like, not really. 0 (9m 10s): I mean, maybe your heart's going to stop when I tell you I'm going to the show and she's like going crazy. I'm like, yeah, but Hey, guess what? You can't tell anybody, you know, orders from Bobby Evans. Same thing. My dad call my dad, but he answered this time. He's like what? I think it was like three times he was in class too. And he's like, what? I'm like dad, seriously. Like, I don't need any attitude right now. This is not the time I'm going to go to the big leagues to actually play in a game. But you can't tell anybody. And he's like, are you serious with this? Like, I can't tell anybody who goes, I'm in class with all these kids right here. And I can't tell them. And I'm like, please don't. Cause I think it was Ray. Ray was going on the DL at the time, Durham and it wasn't going to be made until the next day officially. 0 (9m 57s): And I'm like, you're talking about a bay area kid. That's like living out his dream, playing for the giants and you're going, I can't say anything to anybody. I actually told like my parents, my, my, my brother's girlfriend when he passed away Helen, she's like my sister, I, I told her my brother's best friend. And then my like two of my best friends. Now, if telephone was played, I don't know. And I don't care, but I did tell them all, like, please don't tell anybody. I, you know, kind of like wink, wink, but it got to the next day I actually flew in first class. That was pretty cool. It was only from Portland to San Francisco. So a short flight, but it was one that I'll never forget, man. 0 (10m 44s): They, the Donna Tello first, big-league who hotel that you stay and you know, the next day, I couldn't tell you what happened during BP, during my, my pregame routine during anything, it just got to the game and it's like, I wish I could remember everything that happened up until the game. So you're starting at second base and second in the lineup. Yep. Kent's the dieback outside of forgetting it. Yeah. When did you actually come out of that blackout? Was it your first day when you you're facing the yeah. 0 (11m 28s): You know what it was cause Omar, Omar led off, right? No, the Omar led off and it, it was like just being in the on-deck circle. And I kinda, I did my routine, but then I like got caught, like just looking around. I was like, whoa, you know, like I've been there so many times, but it's like, it's so different on the field. And I've been in the bay bridge series, you know, from spring training, you, you do a three games set versus the haze. So it was my first time in like a big league stadium, like with all those fans and everything that was cool, but you're in the on-deck circle. You're going, this is real because the next thing you know, the guy on deck and, and the guy in the hole are pretty good players, two. 0 (12m 11s): So berries they're and, and everything. And this is, this is really weird. I got in the box and Ted Barrett, he was the, he was the home plate umpire. And I had met Teddy a couple years prior at an event. And we had talked forever guy. Right? Yeah. And so it was at a bay area based hot stove event. And I got to talk to him in for like two hours in one night. It was amazing. And let alone Ted Barrett was the, he's the first guy that greets me at home plate. And I'm like, I was at ease. Then he's like, give, take it in buddy. And I'm going, wow, do all big league umpires, say stuff to you like this. 0 (12m 54s): It'd be awesome. Let alone, I've found out like three games later. They all hate you after awhile. But yeah, I know it, look, I I've told us so many people whose story like Ted Barrett was behind the plate for that game who was behind the plate for my first game with the angels. And he was behind the plate when my first game, or actually my first start with the Phillies. I'm going like, dude, fuck you. And I are locked in forever. So yeah, that, that's when I became, like, I remembered everything that was going on in that day. And it was just because Ted Barrett said hi and, and basically like taking it in. It was awesome. 0 (13m 35s): So that first day be, did you get a bunt sign? I'm curious. I'm curious. No, shake off. Can you shake off a bunk? No, no, no. And I'm always looking, I was always looking at, but you know, not a little, not in power guy. So if missing signs was not the biggest thing, that that was not a deal for me. Like I was like locked in jingling down there. I was like, Nope. Yep. All right. Yeah. He says he hit a one hopper, the shortstop for adult play. I'm like, all right, perfect. Did it. I did it still, still can't believe I don't even care that I did that because I actually hit the ball pretty decent on that. It's the fact that I took the first pitch. I was like, I was so proud of myself. 0 (14m 16s): I've never, I like, I go up swinging first pitch and all the time I was like, this is great. I'm going to go up and swing. And next thing you know, like we go with, TCIs throw in the pitch and I'm going. Yeah, take nice. All right. Like really? So yeah, I think it was the second at bat. I got dry. He drilled me. Did you want me in a second to back? Cause there was four straight games. I ended up starting and getting hit by a pitch. I think it was like a major league record at the time, like to start a career or games with a hit by pitch, I was like, oh, that's in a way to have that one 1 (14m 54s): In the fifth inning came in the scout on Battista cutters, sliders change up, but heavy cutters, heavy cutters. So what were you looking at that about based on what you had learned your previous two years? 0 (15m 11s): I didn't learn anything. I mean, look seriously. I was just trying to get a pitch up because of the ball I hit into adult play was a pitch down and I was just looking for something. And now I'm not talking to top of the zone, but I'm just like a little bit higher than what I saw at the beginning. And I was like, oh man. And yeah, I got the hit. And I was like, wow, this is, this is really gonna happen. Like it I'm going to float. I got my first Knox pregnant and my only one tonight and just let's just move on. Let's just keep going on. Let's I? So the whole thing had happened. So I round first base and we're coming back. All I know is, and I'm looking at, and I'm going, oh God, Barry's here. 0 (15m 51s): And I'm really close to them right now. Like, are you serious? Like, this is not, what am I doing? Like he was, he was hitting very pause is hitting them going. Why is the first basement moving back? Why is he moving? Why is everyone, why is everyone leaving me here at first pace? Like I'm 90 feet away just going, please. Don't don't hit a rocket, right at me. Don't hit a rocket right at me. And he went off, I think just the right field wall and ended up scoring. So, 1 (16m 24s): So your major league debut bay area kid played at Bellerman collegiate prep, then San Jose state? 0 (16m 35s): No, no, not collegiate college. Preparatory call 1 (16m 38s): It college compared to her. You come to the big leagues with the giants. 0 (16m 43s): You spend plenty of time over at Santa Clara. So, you know, you know, it's Bellarmine college prep, right? 1 (16m 49s): Keep in touch with those WCL schools, which by the way, 0 (16m 58s): At ceremony valley, where your brother went, mark Madsen, all of them, like he ended my dad's and my dream. I was a ball boy, when your brother was playing against them in a north Cal first round after the section. So just to let you know, Leland San Ramon, who was a blowout, that's fine. I cried on the bench. I was like 10 brothers old. It was good that the better team won. 1 (17m 23s): But back to your bigly, debut three for four, what's going through your head at the end of the game after all that you would experience in your major league debut. 0 (17m 37s): Shit's easy, honestly, like I, it was, it was just like, it was just a weird night. Like when the gay men in, in like all this stuff is happening as far as, you know, interviews. And I just wanted to sit down, like I really did. I like, I still get goosebumps thinking about that night, but I miss my brother. My brother had passed away two years prior. And throughout the game, like you think, like I have always thought about him, like it beginning to games, middle of games when I strike out with the bases loaded and he's just, you know, he'd be wearing me out. I'm thinking about that stuff. But like after the game, it just like, it was just all over like thinking, damn it, he's not here for this. 0 (18m 24s): You know, in that, that after the game, I was like, I know, I know exactly what he would be saying. He'd be all fired up, but he's going, you know what, there's tomorrow next day and you better be ready to role. And, you know, from the Motorola flip phone that I had in it, it had like, I think maxed out at 250 text messages. I just, I don't know everything that, everything that ended that night, it was, it was beyond special. Cause my parents were there, you know, a bunch of family, a bunch of teachers from whether it was San Jose state, obviously the coaching staff there, or, or my high school at Bellerman. 0 (19m 7s): So many faculty who were there, black is all over and you're going like, can you guys come out every game? Cause this, you know, probably is not going to be the last time like this, but yeah, it was, it was one of those special nights. It was one of those that towards the end, you forget. And I think the next day was one of the toughest games. I think I've ever played in like clap, like almost cloudy just for the fact that like everything in the whirlwind of the first night that went on, I, I couldn't catch up. Like I, I just, it was, it wasn't trying to live in the moment. It was just like, I had a tr I struggled staying focused on, you know, like what was going on. 0 (19m 54s): Cause it was such a whirlwind and we're facing brain and web and he was sick. I mean, I made one biggest mistakes in my life, but then Randy, Randy saved my ass in the, in the eighth and ninth, the ninth against Eric Burns, Rob the walk-off or walk the Rob, the go ahead, Homer and then Moises in the bottom of the knife, hit a walk-off. And I'm like, as he's coming across and he was in my like Moises that point in my chest that one's for you never let that do it. You know, he'd said some other words on it, but all I said was Mo did you wash your hands? Let's go, come on. Did you watch? 0 (20m 34s): But yeah, that's that first weekend was just crazy. And, and Brandon Webb hit him. He had a brain and web and my second day hit me in the back leg, right back thigh on a sinker. Cause this is like during the height of brain and web pink or change up to no chance there literally. Okay. So like sinker ball guys, like I had a, you know, three out of 10 chances is really good. I probably had a one out of 10 on any of those guys with the big ones and you're going this guys, this guy started ball off the plate away just totally, like I told you, spat on it. I was like, yeah, I'm gonna take this out of his hand. And it drilled me in the back leg. Like I just looked back at everyone going like, oh, are you serious? 0 (21m 15s): It's like, it's almost embarrassing. I wasn't even trying to get hit right there. And it was like, oh, okay, that's good. I'll run the first. But yeah, that, that, that happened. All right. Cranny. So you played with some hall of Famers I'm personally invested in this guy because he played for the Mariners for a bit, but your double play partner was home harvest. What was your first conversation with him? And luckily I had had a couple of spring trainings with him and so talking to him was great, but like, there's something about playing in a actual league game with a guy like Omar and you're going, oh my God, that's so in my office go, oh my God. 0 (21m 58s): You know, and you're going, th th this is, this is as surreal as it could be. I remember a first runner got on that was there. And in Schmidt, Jason Schmidt was pitching that day. Really? Wasn't no one was touching him, but I just remember Omar just looking at me and going, I friend, Hey friend, see, there's this wide circle here. He goes through it. There. I'm like, okay, that's great. Cause it's not like one of those, like you got to hit me right here. You know, he just made it at ease for me thinking, oh my God, like Omar just said, just throw it anywhere. And, and I'm like, I am totally in for that. Like, I don't care where it goes. He's going to get it. 0 (22m 38s): But I feel like, and I'm sure Kyle you've probably talked to Randy about this there's times. Like, well, he was way better. So he probably didn't get in those like all moments, but watching Omar from second base and Megan's a players and you're just like, wow, how'd you do that? Oh, wait, I got to go back up. And you're like, he makes it look so easy. So my first experience with Omar was like, I can't do anything that you do. And the timing in the clock that he had, the internal clock, all I cared about was I wanted to see him bare hand stuff. Right. I mean, everyone that's from Seattle. Like just those that the Chris Bozzio no eater and he's running across second base. 0 (23m 19s): And I was like, wait, what? Like, there's a no-hitter that's how special he was. I, I can't, I can't think of a better roster as far as like the amount of talent that you're around to be part of coming up. And I'm just like I was man, I was, I was way over my skis. All right. So let's talk about what we believe is the most. I think every time we talk about mob first is your first home run. So it's August 17th, 2006 in San Diego at Petco, top nine, got Williams is on for the pod, according to our intern. 0 (24m 3s): Talk us through that sequence that led to your first and we'll be home run. Let's see who had a broken jaw at the time that no one was going to take an x-ray on. I got smoked in the face in Fresno by deejay Holt. And, and two days prior that night I'm in the, in the training room, ice and down in a dictator goes, Hey, you okay? And I'm like, yeah. And I was just so little sore right now. We'll be okay. Not thinking anything of it. You know, I'm just trying to tough it out, whatever, and get a call later on or dinner. And it was Shane Turner going, Hey, you got to get this stay and get your stuff. 0 (24m 44s): You're going back to the big leagues like insurers, like who knows that is fucking in the face write. And I can't talk. I'm like, this is, this is a big struggle anyway, on a flight in the morning, two San Diego and little did. I know that Jose Vizcaya was being released, which sucks because he had been so good to me. And like, literally the, like when guys go back and forth in your, the acquisition, that's one thing when someone gets released and you're the guy that takes over, it's not fun. Like it really isn't, especially when it's veteran guys that had not about looking after you, but treated you well. 0 (25m 26s): And, and so that was a struggle. I just remember Stan Cottey coming down and meet me in the, in the lobby at going all right open. And John and I was like, I felt like I was like wide open. And I was like, and he goes, okay, how's it. How's it feel? I'm like, yeah, not bad, but you know, he goes, okay, good. You'll probably be in the lineup either tonight or tomorrow. And that's fine. I ended up being like two days the next day I'm in there. And then the day after the home run day, I think they counted like 50 dives. Somebody, I was like, something stupid. Am I like just my mouth head going like this? And I'm like pushing pizza in my mouth going, like I got eight years I left. I was off that day against PV and Scott Harrison was playing center field and he totally misplayed the first ball I hit out there and it was a totally routine fly ball, but it was a bright, sunny day. 0 (26m 17s): I'll take it any day. And then I think I had a blunt hit and then Scott Williamson was the pitcher and he was not Scott Williamson of the reds, throwing a billion. This is, you know, throw in 88, 89. And he left one there and I shot him. And I just remember going, man, this hurts. Like it really, like, I was all juiced up, but like, my mouth hurts so bad, so bad. And I just remember coming in and everyone, like, you know, guys are getting out of your head and go and go crazy. I'm like, oh, this is not fun. Did you get the ball? I did. It was the greatest thing ever. 0 (26m 57s): So Todd Lyndon's playing left field. Lindo goes out there and he's like, Hey, Hey, can I get that ball? And the guy's like, why am I, he goes, I got to know more of Vizquel Schell ball. And the guy chucks it back as fast as it was like, that's awesome. Like, so many people have to go through a struggle. All I knew was an Omar ball write. And I'm like, oh, that's so good. So got that. And, and got the post-game interview that most of my family remembers is me just being like, you know, it was good. Yeah. It was good. So yeah, I remember that kind of he's on mute. 0 (27m 38s): Hold on, hold on. Wait. But at first timer is, yeah. 1 (27m 44s): All right. I got it. Hold on. 0 (27m 47s): Okay. Did you, did you go, did you do your rehearsal right now? 1 (27m 53s): The, the garbage man was going by. I had to mute my phone and let her the mic real quick. So we've got some videos here. We want to do a little play by play interactive. Yeah. All right. Can you see my screen? All right. Casey, three, one Bob in the nine bases loaded. Kevin, Franson coming up here. Let me enlarge this. 0 (28m 21s): Yeah. I'm telling you. I know. Thanks. Oh, we'll pick, was that a heater heater up in a way Greg hall. And we had a big comeback in that, in that part, John Mayberry had a huge bat to extend things. And Michael Young had to chase all this stuff. Craziest thing ever literally went up there going if I don't get first pitch heater, I am done. But if he gives me first pitch heater, that is my only chance on this nasty Greg Holland's nasty. I mean, hitting a basic little walk-off when you're you're down. 0 (29m 1s): What we were down to two at the time. I mean, you really had no chance. It was cold. Yeah. It was fired up. It was the first, I was the first night game, two gapper who came in, who was Michael? Michael Yung. So it was two chase and Michael Young. So I had, I had some pretty good ones there, right there. That one hurt when, when, how he came in and, and grab me. That's a big man, how he's the best? So he came over and he just like, bear hugged me. Who does not feel good? Yeah. The word in there in Hendrick, celebrating with you. 0 (29m 41s): Kay. Who's a former guest and went to my boy who will see Hawk guy. He sucks. I love him. God, I got, I got the next one. 1 (29m 59s): All right, here we go. Whoa. Another walk off, walk off Homer 0 (30m 9s): Tie score here. Yeah. Papel bond just gave up a, a, a lead and he'd been so good for us. Like he just all time Philly save leader and we come back and it was deleted off the night. Then in a pinch hit against a guy I played against in high school. Who is this? Carlos Torres. You 1 (30m 36s): Know what, my favorite part don't hit play yet. I love it. How it says brands in crushes, all caps. 0 (30m 45s): Trust me when this has hit, this goes in to the second deck. Okay. And there's not a lot of, there's not a lot of right-handers that hit in the second deck there. And I'm not saying that it's just, it was like one of the most random things I got in. I got every bit of my ass in to this one. Where are you looking heater? Yeah. It was the only thing I was going and crushes it accurate. All caps is accurate. Yeah. Yeah. They said on baseball reference. I, if you could look up your home runs, it said it only went 388 feet and all of us like, wait, what? It's like, it's 3 97, 2 a three nineties gap. 0 (31m 28s): Well, did you see? Yeah, if you let him play, Jimmy's at Jimmy's at home plate doing the, the Sukkot. So yeah, that was a good one. That one felt good. I had to get to a concert. Who, what, what was that one? Oh, it was Toby Keith. Ooh. Yeah. Yeah. That was, that was, that was a good day. That was a good day. And they're in the back foot. 0 (32m 9s): They'll they'll they'll show it on the side. They'll show it on the side a way better won two. If you fast forward that I I've seen this a few times, man. And Ben Revere. Yep. Singles champ. It's their walk off. Yeah. I mean, look, the best part about pinch hitting was it was you're already in a, like a win-win right. Everyone already knows how hard it is. And then the other part is if you screw up, everyone's like, eh, whatever fellas I told Jimmy, literally I told Jimmy as I was walking out, I said, see you at home plate. 0 (33m 3s): So they cut it out for awhile. Yeah. That was his. That was a signature move. Like the kick in the, before the dreads, then it says you get tired. Yeah. Brutal payload though. You know who? It was probably Freddie, Freddie, Dominic, or a Mayberry. One of those three. It's always easy to, you know, just pick out three guys and just say one of was going to do it. 0 (33m 43s): Yeah, it was domino. Ooh. Yeah. That was caked in there. But you gotta go, you gotta keep doing the interview. Like it doesn't matter. You got to put it all over Murph. Yeah. Just where it and go. You need a little product in that hair. It looks pretty good. Yeah. Yeah. That's something about Mary right there. 1 (34m 8s): All right. The last video I have, I kind of know which one is going to be. No, it's a little controversial. Cause you played for the giant and you played for the NATS and Big Ben and I are fans. We don't know all of the rules of like etiquette, what you should do. So we're hoping you can help us out here. So if I take you back 0 (34m 31s): To the top, I have a feeling where we're going with this. I keep going the unwritten rules, right? Yep. 1 (34m 38s): One is October 3rd, 2014. Rice Harper crushes a ball off hunter Strickland. Then 0 (34m 49s): It was, it was a big boy, but in all caps, I mean, that's a second bomb that he hit off Strickland at that time. 1 (34m 57s): Then four days later, he hit another bomb game, time bomb. And, and so here it is part three. Here's what we need your help with. It's re it's like two and a half years later. I think it's a playoff game. Bricklin is in the game against Bryce here. And as I share my screen 0 (35m 22s): Baseball players who had had short memories, aren't you supposed to have short memories? Like two and half years is a long time. Now you remember everything let alone, this is not a playoff game though. Isn't a playoff game. Okay. Memorial. This is Memorial day weekend. Yeah. I remember this. I remember I was home. I was watching it and I was kinda, I was, I was so proud of Bryce for this 1 (35m 50s): Naps are up, do nothing in the eighth. Rice has a history against Trump Strickland. A history of hip-hop go full screen. Here we go. 0 (36m 12s): I am happy that mist. I am happy that missed, but here's why I'm proud of, of Bryce for this. How many times have we seen other guys clean up the mess for somebody else? And Bryce had been thrown at, you know, maybe a few times in his career because people were jealous of what he has done or, or had already. I, I don't know. I, I remember texting him after going, like, I know you don't have to respond to this. I'm just like, I'm proud because you stuck up for yourself and whether it's a win or a loss, when people want to think, like I just thought it was awesome for him to do that. And you know what, not a lot of guys have really thrown at Bryce guys. 0 (36m 54s): Don't throw at guys that know that they're gonna go and he went and I, and look it crazy moment. We all get that. Your ex a good dude, two, but on the field, he, he flips a switch on that, for sure. But in that moment I knew exactly what Bryce, who had, had been doing it and gone through in his mind. And I was actually proud of him for doing that. Cause I think that's a big moment for anyone. You know, I don't think Bryce is BR I bet you price has never been in a fight just based on the fact that like, he was bigger than most kids write and always playing with all the older guys. 0 (37m 34s): And he finally just took it and, and ran with it. And again, like I said, not too many guys who really thrown at him after 1 (37m 44s): We had a eucalyptus on the show and he got hit a lot. And I guess he was talking with Brad, penny and penny goes, the people are hitting you because you won't charge them out. That's what I have to do. So right. Next game, just yards. 0 (38m 2s): Was that, was it poor Cielo? No. 1 (38m 5s): Rick Rick porcelain. Yeah. You're right. 0 (38m 7s): Yeah. Yeah. I always say that. Like, if you look at the car and it was not, it wasn't an even match up on that one. Right? I mean, you use a little, little, little thicker than, than Rick Porcello on that one. Who would you, what would have been in an even fight for me? No. No, we got, we got you. Oh, for you. Yeah. You're saying he was, he went up against Glasgow when he should have been unified last Joe. And it's just like, you know, in the tail of the tape, dude, him in Kleiner, Steve Klein would have been crazy because the client wouldn't have, like, it would have been more of a WWF wrestling match for him. 0 (38m 49s): Like there's a little bit of me that would've thought that like, if you came out on him, he would have brought out like a mask from the back pocket. Like he had they're like shoes and put it on, ready to go like two door mask. Yeah. Naturally. So Ben, do you have the video ready ladies 1 (39m 13s): And gentlemen, we want to do a world premier of brand new segment on WST. K Winn and Big Ben. It's going to be called Kevin's corner. So we're going to set the stage here a little bit Kevin's corner with a K right? 0 (39m 32s): For marketing purposes for parking purposes. 1 (39m 38s): All right. So hit, played big, bad, and we'll, we'll lead into Kevin's corner. 0 (39m 43s): Who is this? What you look like with just a talent, two friends and we list there, but the stance is like right on Bartel. 1 (39m 56s): So this is relevant with major league baseball's new foreign substance memo. Yeah. And so we've got some questions for you as a former big leaguer. We, we want to know what's a foul play and what's fair play. Okay. 0 (40m 19s): I mean, Gerard, his thing was Scherzer is pretty relevant. So yeah. Justified or who's, who's in the right and who's in the wrong there. I don't even know how to say that. A lot of like, I like his, you have, in all honesty, like max Scherzer is like my favorite pictures in the league by far the way he competes the way he does everything, the way the greatness, the pictures don't always live up to contracts. And that guy is blown away. That, that large contract that he's thrown, like just blown away and, and just, I don't know. I, I love how we compete. So on the other end, when Joe Girard, he does something like that. 0 (40m 59s): It's not for show either. Joe's very conscientious of, of things that happen and understands. And I think there's like a perception on, on, you know, when these guys do it and are they, is it a clown thing to do? I don't think, look, it was different. And it, it was put in there by Rob Manfred. Yep. And did Joe who already have to do it? I don't think so, but if things are suspicious, then maybe like, look, I look, I was doing the game last night. I was actually not doing the game. I was actually recording my play by play on that. 0 (41m 41s): And so I was doing it at the time and I'm going look, max, his numbers had dropped way down in the start. Ben rates were down quite a bit. First two lanes quite a bit, bit. They had jumped back up and like almost cut those numbers and half. And that's about the time that Joe has seen it in and said son. And so I don't know if someone had told him that or literally it was about him going to his, his head. So I get it. Is max a cheater? I, no, I don't. I, I got, I hope not, but would it change what I think about hell no. Cause I got as good of a competitor as I ever met in every scene in any sport. 0 (42m 25s): When these guys, like a guy like max Scherzer comes out and says, look, I at ball that out Boehm had and under his chin at 95, do you think he likes that? You think I want to do that? Like literally don't make sure there's not that guy. The bullfrog and rosin thing is real. It's not a, it's not a spin enhancer because guess what guys, almost every infielder that I know, especially in cold games use it because it is the only thing that can give you a little bit attack on it. And so if that's the case, you know, that that's one thing that the spider tack thing that has been going on, that's BS. 0 (43m 14s): That's a bunch of crap. These guys took it way too far, you know, in, and you look at, you can look at the spin rates on, on things. And I still believe that the great pitchers, if they've used or not, they're still going to be really good because they understand how to pitch. There's not a lot of like great pitchers that are just rowers. They're still hit. So there'll be able to like, you know, manipulate a ball. However they want. It's those average guys that have turned into something that you're going, ah, that's just not right. Why is this guy punching out? Like, you know, 14 per nine, you know, this guy does not have that stuff. 0 (43m 54s): That's a step. It just, it just baffles me that that guys wanted to take it to that level. And then the counterargument and pick the pine two, her off the bats of the, of the hitters, like shut your mouth. Like really? That's where we're going to go with this. Like, what's the S there's nothing the same of that. 1 (44m 13s): Yeah. As long as you're hitting the ball further. Cause you have Pindar oh 0 (44m 16s): My God. If you get it off the label that's off. The pints are, guess what? You're probably out. So yeah, the, the, the stuff with the bullfrog rosin. I, my, I, I told you guys this, like, what was it two years ago when I was on the show, I believe that every pitcher should have the opportunity to come out. Like you're clean, right? Everyone's clean dumb one for major league baseball, either a bat boy that is designated by majorly. Baseball brings out on a platter, like a Butler, like the three things that you guys have chosen. You all use it. You want to use it. You can use it, rosin, bullfrog and whatever it may be. 0 (44m 59s): And if you have that, everyone sees it in front. The other thing too is, as we've moved forward to now, why are they making the Empire's doing it? I feel bad for the empires I do. And they're like, oh, well, it's, it's been put on the empires all this time and say they have a lot more going on than they, you know, dealing with this. Why isn't there someone from MLB, like in those bullpens, in those areas, as these guys are about ready to come in and check them, check them, do your full search, then let's go. You know, I don't understand how we've gotten to that point where you're gonna put it all on the empires, because guess what? These guys are going to be exhausted by the ninth inning as well, eighth. 0 (45m 40s): And he, and if they want to get through something and someone's going to slip it through, like, they're going to, it's going to be playing. Yeah. It's going to be CSI. Yeah. Pyre. There's there's also an argument who was saying, I think it was glass now or someone that's saying like, listen, if you don't give us grip, like I'm having to grip the ball deeper and further, my arms can be stressed more like you're not going to see us be able to go in and you don't want me not having grip on the ball because effectively who knows what happens if it's cold, if it's hot, where guys are getting plunked, you know, the games are going longer. Well, glass out. 0 (46m 19s): Like I thought so many people crushed him. I'm going. I thought he was great. I thought he was very transparent. I thought he was very concise with his, with his comments. People took out the clip of like, oh, well, I, I need it. I need to, you know, it's, it's the reason I didn't have it. I, that's why I blew out. There's a lot of things that he said in there. Number one, he probably through his best game of the season, right against the nationals that day. That was one thing I took out of it. The number one thing I took out of it, number two, he said probably more than anything that hurt me was that I'm, you know, six, 10 and I throw a hundred. 0 (46m 60s): So what pissed me off more than anything was everyone saying the other stuff. They, they absolutely took away the first two things. And what I said about those great pitchers, they know how to pitch. They will still be fine. Whether their spin rates go down or up, whatever the velocity is there, they just know how to pitch. They're just going to do it with like a little bit less depth on certain things. Guess what? They're great for a reason, you know, that didn't make them great. And maybe it did. I don't know. Maybe I'm maybe I'm way too naive on this, but all I know is that we're, we're crushing pitchers way too much. 0 (47m 41s): We're crushing the use of bullfrog and, and rosin as like this. Oh, it's not only a grip and answers and spin. No, no, no. That does nothing for the spin. It's all the other stuff. The, the, the ones in that you're going to go to a scientist to figure out like, what's the, what's the proper mixture for me on this like ease. So I think you guys get my stand on it. Like I'm for the bullfrog and Roslyn. Cause guess what? I, I, as a hitter, I didn't like 98 by my, my face. I didn't mind getting hit by a pitch. I've wore a ton of pictures in my career. Cause I knew getting on first base was the ideal thing I got hit in the job that was not by, you know, 98. That was by 88 in the, in the shadows. 0 (48m 24s): I, the ball that you used in major league baseball is slippery. And so I'll be interested more than anything I will be interested in when it comes to playoff time, near playoff time when the cold starts to set in, in some of these places and infielders and, and the struggle that in fillers might have in throwing a ball across. Cause I'm telling you it's, it's a thing. If you can't use it out there, you might see some cue balls that are just going straight into the stands. 1 (48m 52s): Those spider tack one last question and we'll wrap up this segment. Wider attack is the foreign substance that some pitchers are using to get that extra spin rate. So Kevin, if Big Ben here in my cohost was using spider tack, would he a be an MLB all-star B be a middle relief pitcher. Who's mildly successful. D B a dominant slow pitch, softball player, or D none of the above with spider tag. 0 (49m 28s): I'm going to go. Did he and his buddy on video games. Oh, 1 (49m 34s): Did you hear that? 0 (49m 37s): Timmy? I can dominate Timmy at Madden. If you give me spider tack, I might've had a chance in P and you guys have you guys seen the videos on spider tech, just in general, like him in this stuff that people were able to hold up and it's a fact like these guys are going like, no, they're holding. Yes. So that was what it was made for. It was like, all these world's strongest man, guys, but you're going, like, I've seen pictures going, like trying to get their fingers off, like peeling them apart in the mid game. And we're going, what's going on in here? Like, that's not right. You can buy, you can buy fighter tack for 20 bucks on back order. 0 (50m 17s): But that's through the greatest marketing thing for them that happens all these high schoolers. I mean, because think about it all these high schoolers college pitchers. No, one's checking them now. Now coming out with absurd, like breaking pitches, you're going, like you're watching the college world series right now. And these guys were just like throw in 12, six hammers are going. Hmm. Spire tech for sure. 1 (50m 41s): All right. K Winn. Let's go swing. Yes. Okay. And we're going to wrap up with west coast swing probably about 10 more minutes. And we'll let you out of here. Is that cool? 0 (50m 50s): Whatever you want. Let's go. 1 (50m 54s): All right. So I'll lead it off and then Big Ben we'll go back and forth. There's no wrong answers. There's all the right questions. So we'll just go with the first one in L D H no DH or universal DH. 0 (51m 13s): Okay. So I, I break this down real quickly. Are we late nineties, early two thousands, or 1 (51m 23s): Now right now 0 (51m 26s): I'll universal DH. Okay. I'll tell you my number one reason why pitchers, aren't asked to do as much anymore on the field, as far as the bunting and, and, and you know, required to do it by, you know, coaching staffs and all that stuff. It's just an ugly brand of baseball and I, how many blunts that you can, that you watch it actually don't get put down. It just you're, you're just crying for it. You just say, please. Also, the other part too, is the, the injuries. And with that non training, part of the hitting, like you're doing just a little bit of hitting, you're going to get hurt. 0 (52m 6s): And we've seen that plenty. No one who is now the best guys. Yeah, no one, no one says, dad, let's go to Chavez and watch Clayton Kershaw hit. No, I, I agree with you all. Hey, besides hitting a walk off into the second deck in Philly, when is it okay to admire a home run? When you know, it's a bomb. Like I like, look, it can't be, it can't be a fence scraper who I am all about. I am all about the bat, flip the celebrate. I love it. I love emotion. Part of why, like I was crushed as a rookie because I play with a lot of emotion. 0 (52m 47s): I played with a little bit too much energy. I talked way too much, all that stuff. Well, that was like, I love the excitement of everything. We see way too many guys. And I even saw Dallas Baptist played Virginia. And I don't know if you guys saw this the other day and they had this first basement. It might've been about five, six. And he had a tank. I thought like off the bat, I was like, oh, in the back leg, Dow's Baptist guy. And he like stood there at the plate. Flip, did all this stuff and the center field or robbed it. And I was like, God, I love seeing that because at the same time, like, if, if you're going to do it, you bet, like, I swear, you should just roll the engine over when that happens. 0 (53m 30s): Like, I know I, I, I truly believe it. Like if, if you stand at home plate, we saw it the other day and price did it. And I'm sure he would tell you that he was wrong for doing it. And he had a ball off the wall in San Francisco and he admired it for two seconds. We busted his ass in a second base, but he was out. But that's the thing is that like, I'm all about it. And Myra, what you want, but it better be out. Like it better be gone. That's the part, I, I continue to see multiple bases that are not taken because guys are standing there watching it at the beginning and then you're there trying to play catch up. And by the time they play catch up, they're like, oh, I got to shut it down. 0 (54m 12s): So I am all about the, you know, admiring it. But the other day, like, especially walk-off so you can enjoy. If you want celebrate with deploys there at home plate, get ready. Like it's on. That's what I, that's what I love to see. 1 (54m 28s): Kevin, if it's after the sixth inning who be opposing pitcher has a no-hitter, is it okay to bunt on him? What's the score of the game? 0 (54m 40s): One, nothing. Where are you at? Are you at like the end of the year? You're in a playoff situation? Is it, are 1 (54m 48s): We tight right now? June mid 0 (54m 51s): June, who is on the mound? You got to give me a picture showing. Cause I know where you're going with that. I'll say 1 (54m 60s): Who is on the Mount? Jacob? The groom's on the pound. 0 (55m 5s): Yeah. You know what? I'm okay with bunny because there's no chance I'm going to hit them anyways or Petro, like the entire time you're going like, well, is that dude is. And so I like, look, if, again, if it's a one, nothing game, that's a different deal for me. Are you a guy that bonds, if you're a guy that, and that's part of your game, I'm absolutely for it. But at the same time, if you're a guy that you know is not a Butler and, and it's not the situation, like maybe you have a guide, like, let's say, how about this? Let's say you're the nationals right now. Let's say Victor role was sitting night. 0 (55m 47s): It's a two, nothing game in the seventh inning. Team's got a no-hitter going, he bunts people. We're probably going to go. Like, that's not a good look. You got the hottest man on the planet right now who has got like 10 homers in the last 10 games in college. Schwarber you're going to tell me that's not a good play. Like I'm, I'm just sorry. Like, that's just, I'm thinking about the w I know people want the, you know, the no-hitter and especially this year, everyone's throwing a no hitter. So like, if it's become the norm, then why don't we just try to break it up at any point in time? All right. On that similar note, what unwritten rule baseball needs to be modified or just mixed all together? 0 (56m 28s): A lot of them, a lot of them, Ooh, priority number one. Ah, just people getting all upset and butter about three. Oh, like hack just in general. What other part? You know, the part of the game. I don't care what it is. I really don't for the fact that this, if a guy let's say is in 200 accounts and he gets the slider thrown on them and he goes to three. Oh, is that pitcher trying to get him out? Just in general, 2 0 2 slider, nasty slider. I would say it was a slider thrown from, I'm going to say, let's say Jacob. 0 (57m 13s): Oh, hell yeah. But yeah, that's the thing is that like, people get all up in arms about, you know, certain things like that. What, what are the other ones that we can talk about? What are the other issues that had been going on in this year? Thrown it guys. I think that could be a little bit modified, but at the same time there's guys, that could be commended. When they hit a guy, when they hit him low, they hit 'em in the butt. They hit 'em in. I will never, ever in my life, forget this year. Cardinals, Phillies, ah, in St. Louis. It was a day after the Bryce guy in the face, not on purpose. 0 (57m 56s): We all know that Hector nearest has in the game and it's high game, no one who are not. It was the hitter. First pitch, two outs, drills, him hit him, low bill and air. And auto did not glance out. Didn't look anywhere. It took his base and it was just like, oh my God, I could think about Hector. You know, hitting him on the first pitch, hitting them low, not missing, not doing anything and everyone doing it, no one who are not just in his days. I a huge fan just in general. And then he does it. And you're like, dude, you're a God, because he didn't escalate the situation. And too many times now we're getting guys thrown out because you know, this guy got thrown at it and all this stuff will, what pisses me off is guys throw in behind guys who are in a really high and, and, and missing guys like Brad Keller. 0 (58m 45s): He had a problem with Tim Anderson, which was, which was stupid in general, two years ago, right? With the bat flip back two or three years ago, back to his dugout on his Homer, Tim Anderson did and Keller, the next day drilled him in the butt. I get it. It's not ideal for people, you know, but he hit you in, in the butt end. He did it all in one pitch and didn't miss you didn't do anything. Like I was all for that per se, because no one got hurt on it. And the next thing you know, the white Sox ended up like just, you know, killing him for it. But there's certain things in protecting guys. I understand. It's just, you don't need to go head hunting. 0 (59m 25s): That's it. That's the part of the unwritten rule. You don't need to go after these guys. Like they did some of these guys. Do you guys, you guys have any ones that you want to amend. I've kind of thrown all the unwritten nose out there. I'm like honestly, like, Nope, no beer after the eighth inning, first pitch in the eighth inning that needs to be amended quickly. Well, it's all four were there. So yeah. Come knock on the dugout. After, after the eighth, when the beer guy I'm here to still hear you. Got, you got all the angling you want, so you're good. Oh my God. I gained 20 pounds on Yuengling alone. 0 (1h 0m 6s): So good. Fast the best. Okay, 1 (1h 0m 9s): Kevin, before we let you out of here, can you talk about the foundation you set up for your other 0 (1h 0m 15s): DJ? Yeah. So in 19 for life was started just the year after he had passed away battle cancer off and off for 19 years, born on May 19th, bowel cancer in 19 years. Favorite number was 19. His favorite player was Dave or Getty, who was a San Jose Guy and war 19. So we all had that whole thing. And first number in the big leagues was 19 first, actually first number in, in pro ball was 19. So in 19 stuck with us and as a family for a long time, we started to just look, we miss him. He touched a lot of people battling cancer off and on for 19 years. So many doctors, nurses, social workers, you know, family and friends that were all in the battle with him, that we just wanted to be able to celebrate him and, and pass on if we raised money and, and we've raised a ton for, you know, kids that face adversity and continue to strive in sport, you know, we've had, oh man, numerous scholarships. 0 (1h 1m 18s): What was Cal high sports or what is now? Cal sports are start out as sports focused with Robert Braunstein. They helped us out every year. And in, in getting the stories out about some of these kids, cause there's so many that go through so many things that you just want to be able to give as much as we can. I think we we've given over a million dollars in scholarships, you know? So beyond proud of that, we have a full endowment at Bellarmine and at Santa Clara. I do believe it's fully endowed over there. Awesome. And then we, yeah, it's just so in 94, life is a, you could go to 19 for life.org. See all the great things that we've done. We've DJ was big into the day hospital. 0 (1h 1m 60s): That's where you go and do all this chemo. And so being able to give back, they're providing new chairs there, like two years ago, we had to go through all these like little protocols for it, but making sure that everyone was comfortable when they went there. My, my mom and, and her friends, we'll, we'll, you know, certain wards of the, the Stanford, Lucille Packard, Stanford children's hospital, you know? So we continue to do a ton of things. Bace had to be our basketball tournament and obviously postponed because of the pandemic, you know, that's, that's been going on. So hopefully next year we get a big turnout even been in our coming in 1 (1h 2m 41s): Next, next January. Last comment. 0 (1h 2m 44s): Okay. In January, in Los Gatos. Let's do of it. 1 (1h 2m 51s): I got one last question, but then do you have any more questions before we sign out? 0 (1h 2m 57s): Can I bring spider tech in the bace? There will be a frisk. There will be a frisk coming in. I'll bring a rose and bag just in case. 1 (1h 3m 13s): All right, Kevin, we've got a referral system here at WST. We play a game like who who's in your phone. And then we look in your phone and you help us get our next guest. Since we know you. Well, we might be bullish enough to ask for two guests, one former giant, and one other person. So these people have to be in your phone. Who would you like to see? Come on WST. Next to talk about their MLB. First 0 (1h 3m 47s): As hobby been on ABI Lopez. No. Yeah. Great storyteller. Great dude. Needs to be on. Obviously Randy's been on. That's not cool brother, brother matchup. Yeah, no, I would go hobby. And what was the other one that you 1 (1h 4m 8s): Had non giant where we're gonna get, we're gonna get two out of you. 0 (1h 4m 15s): I got plenty of ideas. I can't just narrow it down right now, but I'll get you another one. All right. So I am on the hook. You see this right here. It is documented that I will get a non giant on here. Probably someone that uses spider tech two. I mean, we can, we can always do Ben Davis for you because then if you could bring in the, but with a, you know, no hitter controversy 1 (1h 4m 45s): And he's a Mariner, Ben would love that. 0 (1h 4m 48s): I know. I know. That's why I would. There's no, there's, there's a few in here that I think you guys could have that. I think they'd be willing to do it. Hobbies, hobbies. Number one, for me, him or Nate in her nature holds, I like catchers. They got to get stories. Catchers these days different. They don't. And not as good as story lane. 1 (1h 5m 12s): We do need a picture on here. We haven't had a picture on Ben. Oh, we had KK. 0 (1h 5m 22s): Brandy. How old are your kids? My daughter just turned six and my little guy DJ is eight months old. So not a lot of sleep, but guess what boys? Guess what happens tomorrow? Road trip. Number two happens. We go to New York. All right. So no more, no more, no more monitor game. No driving. 1 (1h 5m 49s): You're not taking the Amtrak. 0 (1h 5m 51s): No home transit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go on the journey. I'm going to Jersey turnpike tomorrow. You know, guys, 30 bucks on the tolls and there we go. 1 (1h 6m 4s): All right, Kevin, this was a blast. Love your hat. Love everything you do. 19 for life foundation. Got to have you on the pod again and appreciate you guys have in me. We see in January for bace, 0 (1h 6m 18s): I'm holding you guys. Two that as you guys are it's on tape and guys are going to be there. It's already in the joint calendar for me already in the joint calendar. It's in, I'll probably book flights tomorrow to save January 30th. I will be there. You guys are amazing. I appreciate it. I love, I love Los Gatos. Can't believe bace is a great spot to a hundred percent. We need, we need four to six K Winn. We'll start. We'll start. Try-outs two. So we know it's a long day. Pack a lunch. Thanks, Kevin. Thanks. Yeah.
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